Jesse Pielke
Head of Operations & Organisation
Africa GreenTec
Jesse Pielke is Head of Operations & Sales Representative at Africa GreenTec AG in Germany (AGT). He grew up in Hamburg, Germany. After school, he spent a year in South Africa working in the social sector and experiencing an entirely different culture. Following, he worked as a credit manager for American Express in Brighton, England, encountering the work environment in a larger corporation focusing on the fields of project and customer management. Due to his interest in renewable energies, Jesse Pielke holds a B. Sc. in energy economics, which he studied in Darmstadt, Germany.
At AGT, he combines his knowledge of the African continent with his experience in the field of energy, project and customer management. Africa GreenTec consists of a team of 20 members, located near Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and operates mini-grids in Mali and Niger. To date, 7 Solartainer® mini-grids have been set up in West Africa and are able to supply approximately 660 households with electricity. Jesse Pielke has collected a broad base of detailed knowledge in the field of project management as well as operations for microgrids in rural Mali.