Innovative Tools for the Long-Term Sustainability of Microgrid Projects

Off-Grid renewable power is generated from a myriad of sources, ranging from large-scale isolated mini-grids, to small-scale microgrids and solar home & lighting systems. Energy acts as the prime mover of all the sectors such as agriculture, mining, healthcare, education, WASH, and the list goes on.

With their self-sufficiency, microgrids are the energy systems appropriate to be considered in the geographically discrete regions to produce independent power. To outline the latest innovative tools that are in place to boost the planning, implementation, and operations of the microgrids to achieve rural electrification in remote areas of the world.

The tools necessarily can cater to steps like site selection, primary data collection, customer identification, acquisition & retention, questionnaire & surveys, operations & maintenance both remote and on-site, capacity building, recycling and many more. The objective of this session will be to have the industry experts share their best practices with such innovation and their impacts followed by an interaction with the audience.


Deepak Mohapatra, microgrids expert
Deepak Mohapatra
Senior Officer, Business & Market Development
Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE)

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Nico Peterschmidt, microgrids expert
Nico Peterschmidt
Managing Director

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Tom Parkinson, microgrids expert
Tom Parkinson
Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer

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Chris Edeh, microgrids expert
Chris Edeh
Executive Director
African Sustainable Energy Association

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Prof.AbuBakr Bahaj, microgrids expert
Prof. AbuBakr Bahaj
Professor of Sustainable Energy
University of Southampton

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