Energy 4.0: O&M Tools for Off-Grid Hybrid Systems in the Digital World

The power sector has the biggest potential for replacing fossil fuels and cutting emissions thanks to renewable sources of energy. This will require large investments to transition from the currently centralized electricity system to a decentralized model; also, large-scale solutions will be required for the management and control of millions of future Hybrid Power Systems (HPS). Moreover, HPS today are not ready for this step: due to the high versatility of HPS, which typically consist of dozens of different components from different manufacturers , there is currently no way of remotely controlling and connecting these components (i.e., there is a lack of general system management solutions).

This presentation discusses a technology strategy for meeting the needs of Europe's future electricity grid: a Universal Monitoring and Control (UMC) solution for HPS. This consists of a central hardware controller that allows the interconnectivity of all components in the off-grid system, a cloud server, and a software platform which is used for monitoring, control and data analytics. In addition, this system enables O&M savings for the HPS operators. This session will present some use-cases and proof of concept for this technology solution.


Patrick Cousins, Infinite Fingers, Microgrids expert
Patrick Cousins
Infinite Fingers GmbH

Patrick Cousins completed his first complex off-grid project in 1997 when he built a 15-meter sailboat equipped with solar panels and a wind turbine. After returning to Germany he continued to follow his fascination for renewable energy and power systems by working in technical sales and management for various businesses in the industry. He started his own company for the design and installation of PV systems (off-grid and on-grid) which further deepened his understanding of the electro-technical principles and practices - especially in off-grid systems. He was also the sales manager at Autarctech GmbH, a German manufacturer of Li-ion battery management systems, providing him with cutting-edge knowledge on the current development of batteries and their capabilities. Finally, all these experiences lead him to become co-founder and CEO at Infinite Fingers GmbH: A start-up providing remote monitoring and control for all types of off-grid power systems.