Manel Sanmartí
Electical Engineering Research Area (EERA) and Barcelona Fusion Center (bFUS) Manager
Catalonia Energy Research Institute (IREC)
Manel is the Head of the Electrical Engineering Research Area (EERA) at the Catalonia Energy Research Institute (IREC). With more than 20 years' experience leading and participating in international and national R&D projects in the field of energy systems and international scientific facilities, he is presently focusing his research in energy efficiency systems, buildings and communities. In particular, he is presently working on low energy districts, smart grids and renewables and electric mobility integration. He is part of the Smart Cities Joint Programme of the European Energy Research Alliance and co-Operating Agent of the V2X Task 28 of the Hybrid and Electrical Vehicle Technology Program of the IEA. He is also leading the RIS3CAT Energy Community, a 15 MiEuro Action Plan to develop and improve the competitiveness of the energy sector in Catalonia.
Manel has contributed to the Catalonia Electric Mobility White Book, the Barcelona Energy and Air Quality Plan, Catalonia Energy Guides, the Data Collection and Reporting Guidelines for European electro-mobility by JRC and several scientific publications in energy efficiency, electric mobility and smart grids.