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4th Microgrid Global Innovation Forum 2017 | May 16-17, 2017 | Washington, D.C.
New Session: Evolving Microgrid Financing Options

This new panel session next Wednesday at the 4th Microgrid Global Innovation Forum examines the status and future of commercial financing for microgrids. Panelists will compare microgrids to other alternative energy and smart grid investments, and discuss emerging approaches to mobilizing private capital for microgrids. Cross-cutting effects of federal infrastructure and energy policy on the prospects for microgrid finance will be examined, as well as matching the uses of microgrids with financing sources -- including Pentagon, State Green Bank and UN Initiatives.


Michael Zimmer, Microgrid Institute

Michael Zimmer
Executive in Residence, Voinovich School and Russ College of Engineering
Ohio University
Roger Feldman, Andrews Kurth Kenyon LLP

Roger Feldman
Of Counsel
Andrews Kurth Kenyon LLP
Michael Burr, Microgrid Institute

Michael T. Burr
Director, Microgrid Institute
Founder, Microgrid Finance Group
David W. South, West Monroe Partners

David W. South
Senior Principal, Sustainability, Energy & Utilities Practice
West Monroe Partners

This is just one of several panel sessions during the in-depth, two-day Forum. The event focuses on refining the value proposition and business case for microgrids in North America, integration and interoperability with the larger grid, and case studies of the latest grid-tied and off-grid deployments and pilots to date.

Other speakers include:

Thomas Leyden, EDF Renewable Energy

Thomas Leyden
Senior Director, Distributed Electricity & Storage
EDF Renewable Energy
Janet Peace, C2ES

Janet Peace
Senior Vice President
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Robert S. Stewart, Pepco Holdings

Robert S. Stewart
Manager-Smart Grid & Technology
Pepco Holdings
Jim T. Gallagher, New York State Smart Grid Consortium

Jim T. Gallagher
Executive Director
New York State Smart Grid Consortium
Aleksandar Vukojevic, Duke Energy

Aleksandar Vukojevic
Manager-Emerging Technologies Office
Duke Energy
Andy Haun, Schneider Electric

Andy Haun
Microgrids CTO, North America Operations
Schneider Electric
Brian Yung, NY ISO

Brian Yung
Market Design Specialist - Distributed Resource Integration, New York ISO
Shiv Mani, FERC

Shiv Mani
Senior Analyst
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission**

Thomas Willie, Blue Pillar

Tom Willie
Blue Pillar
Kenneth Munson, Sunverge Energy

Kenneth Munson
Co-Founder and CEO
Sunverge Energy
Peter H. Asmus, Navigant

Peter H. Asmus
Principal Research Analyst
Thomas McAndrew, Enchanted Rock

Thomas McAndrew
Founding Partner, President and CEO, Enchanted Rock
Arthur (Bud) Vos, Enbala Power Networks

Bud Vos
President and CEO  Enbala Power Networks
Aleksey Toporkov, ARDA Power

Aleksey Toporkov
ARDA Power
James Boston, CPS Energy

James A. Boston III, PE
Manager of Market Intelligence, Strategy and Innovation
CPS Energy
Nicholas Wrigley, Winch Energy

Nicholas Wrigley
Winch Energy

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Topics to be addressed include:

-  Opportunities, Challenges and Market Forecasts
-  Assessing Microgrid Potential and Performance to Date
-  Adaptive Microgrids: Technology Advances and Utility Business Models
-  Energy Storage Developments and Applications for Microgrids
-  Lessons from the Implementation of Utility-Owned Islandable Microgrids
-  Microgrids, Virtual Power Plants, and the Emerging Energy Cloud
-  System Operations, Power Control, and Grid Integration / Interoperability
-  Public-Private Partnerships and Utility Cooperation in Microgrids
-  Utility's Strategy and Vision for Handling Distributed Energy Resources
-  Microgrids-as-a-Service: Delivering Resiliency, Efficiency, Sustainability
-  International Microgrids: Opportunities in the Developing World
-  And much more

Registration is still open, but only a limited number of seats remain.
Reserve yours today and enter
SGO when registering for 15% off

Event Partners 
Microgrid Knowledge  Microgrid Media EMerge Alliance Smart Grid Today
Electric Energy T&D Magazine  Navigant Research Environmental Expert

Be sure to join your colleagues in Washington, D.C. as we discuss the latest opportunities and progress in this key market space

For further information on participating, contact:
Daniel R. Coran, Program Manager, +1-815-310-3343  |

Organized by


Smart Grid Observer | DeKalb, IL  USA | |
* U.S. Microgrids 2016: Market Drivers, Analysis and Forecast, GTM Research
**This panelist is participating in a private and individual capacity and he is not representing the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any other United States government agency. The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are the author's views and do not reflect the opinions of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any other U.S. government agency.