Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities

Sponsorship of the Forum ensures that your technology solution, consulting expertise, services, and thought leadership are positioned prominently to a range of professionals interested in microgrids in North America.
This is a unique opportunity to target a
key group of decision-makers, network managers, utility executives, investors, and energy providers who will be in attendance.
Sponsors receive a range of valuable exposure opportunities for highlighting their involvement in the Forum and maximizing their interaction with attendees.
Prominent logo positioning on event website, Tabletop Exhibit space, and an opportunity to distribute corporate information to attendees are just a few
benefits of sponsorship.
Sponsorship Options for Microgrid Global Innovation Forum - North America 2018, Pasadena*
Gold Level Sponsor -- Value: $4,000
- Top-level positioning as event Gold Sponsor
- Opportunity to speak within a panel session, or serve as session moderator
- Tabletop exhibit in seminar room
- 4 complimentary conference passes to the Microgrid Forum sessions on November 6
- Roll-up floor-standing banner (provided by sponsor)
- 15% off additional registrations
- Top-level logo positioning in Official Microgrid Forum Program Guide, event website, and email communications
- White paper or press release posted on event Website
- Corporate description with hyperlink on event website
- Top-level logo recognition in Microgrid Forum on-site banners and signage
- PDF presentation included in proceedings, with description + link on website
- Microgrid Forum attendee list provided one week prior to, and following the event
Silver Level Sponsor -- Value: $2,500
- Logo recognition as Silver-Level Sponsor
- Tabletop exhibit in seminar room
- 3 complimentary conference passes to the Microgrid Forum sessions on November 6
- Roll-up floor-standing banner (provided by sponsor)
- 15% off additional registrations
- Logo positioning in Official Microgrid Forum Program Guide, event website, and email communications
- Corporate description with hyperlink on event website
- Top positioning of logo in on-site banners and signage
- Microgrid Forum attendee list provided one week prior to, and following the event
Bronze-Level Sponsor -- Value: $1,500
- Logo recognition as Bronze-Level Sponsor
- 2 complimentary conference passes
- 10% off additional registrations
- Opportunity to place corporate brochure, white paper, literature, etc. on Media Table
- Logo positioning in Official Microgrid Forum Program Guide, event website, and email communications
- Corporate description with hyperlink on event website
- Logo positioning in on-site banners and signage
To arrange your participation, please
contact us
* The above information is for sponsoring the Microgrid Innovation Forum on November 6. For information about ESNA sponsorship options, click here.