Javad Zare

Javad Zare

Lead Electrical Engineer & DERMS Software Developer
I-EMS Group

Javad Zare received MSc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He is currently a Lead Power System Engineer at IEMS Group Ltd. with 6+ years of experience in power system protection, optimization, and control as well as industrial projects leadership. As a power systems expert, his main responsibilities at IEMS includes modeling LV and MV electrical networks along with precisely modeling and sizing various DERs such as Wind turbines, PV panels, battery energy storage systems, EV cars, and EV charging stations within DERMS, also doing some power system analysis such as power flow and optimal power flow by defining proper objective functions based on the IEMS customer needs. Furthermore, he is leading and working on commercializing the IEMS DERMS software to be used and deployed as a service for current and prospective clients and business partners of IEMS.

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